Sunday, December 6, 2015


Emilio: "The show was rated PG-19!"
Ignacio: "There's no such thing. It must have been know, "Parents Guiding Teenagers"

I love these kids. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

The End.

Last Saturday Santi woke up and said, "Bookie" (combination of boob and milky) and nursed on the couch in the warm, dark living room as the day opened up around us. He hasn't nursed since. After nearly 8 years of being pregnant or nursing, a chapter closes...for all of us, but more for me. I remember the first time he nursed. I was so worried about yet another infection (I'd had five between the two other boys) and I bravely decided to put him to the boob in the hospital and try again. To trust. There wasn't any other way for me at that moment. I couldn't not nurse this tiny, precious baby that was now ours. So I did and the journey was so different and peaceful this time. I have breastfed for almost seven years combined and am proud of nursing my boys into strong little people and thankful for the bond it created for me with them. My body is now mine again, although a piece of my heart is forever gone.  
*the morning after writing this Santi wanted to nurse. Welcome to motherhood. You never really know what's going on. 


What it looks like when a seven year old still jumps in Papi's arms when he gets home from work. I know these days will end, but for now I just allow myself take them all in. Such a beautiful partnership these two have. These boys are lucky to have this dad. 

Oh, my hearts. Little Santi is finding his way into this family. I imagine it's like joining a new team at a new job that's already been working together for some years. He is Ignacio's stand up comedian and Emilio's best buddy. He is funny, caring, agreeable and loving. I mean, really? What more could you ask for? Absolutely precious. 

So much exploring this fall. Outdoor adventures and lots of fresh air. I even changed a huge poopy diaper on a rock in this botanical garden. That's like Black Belt parenting. 

A soccer player and a skeleton walk into a bar...never mind, it's just Halloween. 

My goal was to carve three pumpkins in 30 minutes and put kids to bed. Angel's was to replicate awesome online pictures after googling for half an hour.  Same difference. It all turned out great. So many seeds this year; which is why you carve in the first place, right? 

Big world, growing boy. My heart swells at even the thought of him. 

We spent 45 minutes on the last beautiful, sunny fall day at Great Clips to get his haircut. We repeated, "No suckers!" over 100 times while waiting. When his name was finally called he cried, refused to get in the chair and was highly uncooperative. Five suckers later, this is the final result. 
Oh, Emilio. Mommy had tears in her eyes and the biggest smile on her face. You nailed this. The only kid who hit all the marks and clapped every time. You were amazing. You are amazing. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Ignacio has found my cracked iPhone 4 and decided it's his. I noticed on our walk today he had it in his back pocket. You can't take pictures, it has no phone service and the screen is broken but apparently that doesn't matter to a seven year old who is aching to grow up. 

Oh yea

Oh yea.  Santiago turned two in July. I guess what they say is true...the third sometimes gets left behind, even on blogs. From what I remember the day was beautiful, friends and family came bearing tremendous love and my children behaved like saints. Happy birthday to Bam Bam, our extroverted, smart, loving and spunky Santiago. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Fab Five

Our little Emilio turned five and it was a pretty exciting time. We have been counting down for months. Literally months. This was his cake design this year. Mama Ama was smiling down from heaven for sure. 
We had a small birthday party with the cousins. They ran, played, ate and went to the park. He had a blast. 
These two. Love them. 
At school they celebrated him as well. Apparently when it's your birthday you "get to be first in line!" LOL
Aunt Kath came for four days to spend some time with the birthday boy. Emilio was over the moon. Days were spent doing what we usually do when aunt Kathy is in town. There was lots of playing and running and eating and laughing. She even got to go on the birthday excursion to Chucky Cheese. 
He received a lot of Legos for gifts. Here is one on the sets he completed. He is so talented when it comes to building. It's actually really exciting to see him work. 
All in all he had a wonderful, special birthday. Five is a big one! Next year will be school. I'm cherishing these long days with him; so thankful for the opportunity to raise him and experience him to the nth degree. I am quickly learning these days are numbered. Happy Birthday to my beautiful boy. You have taught me much more than I have you. Love you. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Keeping up...

Ignacio took downhill skiing lessons for the first time this winter. It also gave mommy a chance to sit and take a break in the chalet every Sunday.  
Santiago's current favorite activity is to take every single book out of the bookshelf and put it on the floor. Unfortunately he has no interest in putting them back. 
Boy are these two going to miss each other next year when Emilio goes to kindergarten all day. 
Sometimes you need to eat soup with slippers on. 
The new morning routine is that Santiago sits at the table with his two big brothers to eat his breakfast. For only being one and a half years old he actually does pretty good. After papa and Ignacio leave for the morning mommy makes him another round of breakfast. 
Spring boots. 
If you say you "Ewwww" this is what he does. 
Emilio certainly has his own sense of style. 
Two months without a TV and we are all surviving. This was last Friday when we had to resort to shadow puppets for entertainment. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015