Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The winds of change...

I am in a major love affair with both of my boys as of late. I am so proud of who they are and the little people the have become.

Ignacio is creative, thoughtful, polite, kind and respectful. The list could go on of course. He is enjoying preschool and we are enjoying watching him blossom into a little student. As parents we are also enjoying the experience of becoming involved members of his school and connecting with other families. Ignacio told me yesterday that, "one day I will make you lunch mommy" and the loving lines like that come every day. He is patient and responsible with his brother. He alone has taught Emilio the last 4 words he has learned. He is a good problem-solver, leaving me in a position to rarely need to intervene, whether it is with other kids or just his brother. And then he is just three...funny faces, hilarious observations and whiney at times.

And Emilio is beautiful. He is intense, yet balanced. He still moves that little left arm when dancing or running and he is active. He is learning to share and applauds himself every time he does it. He can say sooo many words now and his language has taken off. He is cuddly and a little love with enough boy energy to keep him a little bit of ying and a little bit of yang.

But the most magical part of it all is watching them together. They are partners. They have inside jokes and games. They make each other laugh without worrying about if the adults are even paying attention. They take care of each other and play so well together that I rarely have to be present in the same room or participating in what they are doing. Today I overheard Ignacio in the other room say to Emilio, "Tu eres mi mejor amigo Emilio" Translation: "You are my best friend Emilio." I couldn't have painted that picture any more perfect.