Thursday, September 30, 2010

Viva Iowa!

Some travel to Fiji to dig their toes in warm sand while others go to the Grand Canyon to see one of the natural wonders of the world. We went to Pella, Iowa. Now before you laugh, let me tell you a few important facts about this little known treasure...

*Pella is in the richest county in Iowa and has more millionaires per capita than Hollywood.
*It smells like manure.
*The Dutch settled here and everything is a Holland theme from the bakery to the opera house.
*They make Pella windows there.
*You will never see as much corn in your whole life as you will on the drive there.
*The downtown is the quaintest little place you'll ever see.

The Cristian Volunteer Van gave us a ride into town from the hotel. The bus driver was a retired hog farmer with 52 grandkids. He said, "Boy he is going to enjoy school next year!" referring to Ignacio. When I told him he was only two he couldn't believe it. Us city folks don't lie!
Oh, did I forget to mention that Pella has the OLDEST working windmill in the U.S.? I want to get in your car RIGHT now and get down there!! Just wait...there's more!

Any questions regarding the annual Tulip Festival that draws 100,000 people? Just ask the cute little boy at the information desk. Pella's population is only 9,000 so you can just imagine the crowds!

Emilio cried in the car...not happy but survived. Once he got to Pella he realized all the misery was SO worth it!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What's new?

These days we have needed extra things to keep up going and laughing. Here are just a few of them...

Emilio has taken a liking to growling and it is scary/hilarious. Scary at 3 in the morning when you think he might be possessed in the dark and hilarious most other times. You can see the change in his face when he brings the tone down low.

I was nursing Emilio when I found my eyes straining to make out what was all over his head. As I turned up the lights I saw that "someone" had taken a pen to his head. Way to make your mark Ignacio...thank God it wasn't a Sharpie.

Guess what Ignacio's new blankie is? One of mommy's shirts. He likes to ball it up and snuggle it under his head when he sleeps. I swear, if that kid could crawl back up into me most days he would.

Ignacio yelled at his corn last night, "STOP BEING HOT!!!!" If only it worked that way. He has also been known to yell at the wind. Good luck with that one honey.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder how you are
Up above this world so high
Wondering if you are ready to fly
Twinkle, twinkle little star
You burn so bright, even from afar

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A "Fairy" Good Time at the MN State Fair

We ventured to the MN State Fair this morning. We decided to go to a Park and Ride so that Ignacio could ride a "big bus" and he was a bit disappointed when he found out we weren't going to school but rather a fair. The entire way he asked if he was going to get to see the "piggies" and we assured him that indeed he would see the piggies. My favorite memories of the State Fair are cheese curds, the glider that takes you over the whole fair (my sister and I rode it every year) and the big slide. This year we accomplished two...we left the slide for next year.

Ignacio pet a pig, a sheep, a goat, and a cow. We spent 75% of our time at the big animal barns. He has been very inquisative about animals lately. Just yesterday he asked me if wolves were a type of dog and if owls were a type of bird....oh yea, and if frogs ate bugs. I didn't have all the answers. There was a big cow ready to give birth at the "Miracle of Birth" barn and people were gathered around her big circular pen. I looked to the woman next to me and said, "Poor cow. She needs a midwife and quiet, dark room." I could most relate to the big mama sow. She was laying there, as if to say, "I'm exhausted!" and the little piggies just came and ate off of her. That's how I feel some a mama sow. We made it home mid-afternoon with great memories and heads ready for the pillow.

Ignacio eating his fifth Sweet Martha's Cookie...the MN equivalent of the cream puff.

Just be glad that you can't smell pictures because here we are in the cow barn...
Night, night Emilio. Apparently he didn't need to see the "Miracle of Birth" barn. He figured he was just birthed so had a pretty good idea of what it entails.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I love it that...

...this morning at Starbucks I asked Ignacio, "Would you like milk or apple juice?" He calmly responded, "Cafe Latte." Sophisticated, no?

...Ignacio joined Angel in his P90X workout this morning (He even asked me to take off his shirt so he could be like papa) and enfuriated Angel because he could do all the abdominal exercises and stretches that Angel couldn't! My limber little bean!

...Emilio lights up from the inside out when I lay him on the changing table and he looks up at me. I have never felt so loved at any single moment than those.

Friday, September 3, 2010

For Great Mama Ama...Twinkle, twinkle

My two hearts...different but equal.

What? You don't like rice cereal?

Here is Ignacio reading a book to Emilio. Until Emilio learns to crawl he has a captive audience. A born teacher or just someone who likes to hear their own voice?

See the two teeth Mama Ama?

Mr. Ignacio

Today at storytime at the library Ignacio stood in front of the group of people and announced, and I quote, "Santa is coming. When it snows mommy and Ignacio are going to play outside and Santa is coming." The little kids seemed especially greatful for the good news.

Ignacio throwing up is like trying to herd a cat. He gets scared so he roams around the house hurling. I run behind him with a towel trying to get it enough in front of him to catch the mess. When he was sick he wanted to tell auntie so we called her and said, "I'm spilling the ickies out." You commonly hear "throwing up," "hurling," "vomiting," "up-chucking," "barfing," and/or "blowing chunks". I am going to stick with "spilling the ickies."