Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stand Corrected

Ignacio has become quite the little stickler for proper usage of the English language. The other day he was getting ready to go outside and I said, "Put on your jacket" to which he said, "It's not a jacket. It's a coat." Today he told me isn't wasn't a drumstick that he was using to play the drum but rather a "mallot." He learned that in music class by the way. I had forgotten but good thing he was paying attention. I was probably removing a "mallot" from Emilio's mouth at the moment. God forbid I ask him to put his car away when it happens to be a truck. On a good day I say, "You're right Ignacio. That is a truck." On a bad day I think, "JUST PUT IT AWAY! I DON'T CARE WHAT IT IS!" Some days he will ask me the question when he already knows the answer, kind of hoping I will give him wrong answer so he can correct me. For instance..."Emilio is a boy?" to which I say, "Yes, he's a boy." Then he says, "No he's not. He's a baby." Most days I just think, " I stand corrected Ignacio. I stand corrected."


Angel and I have never been the kind of people who purposefully create traditions, but as it turns out there are a few that have just developed organically over the years. Going to Macy's to see Santa has become one of them. This year we realized it is our third year, which also means Ignacio has been a part of our family for a growing number of seasons. This year he practically jumped out of his skin when we told him we were going to see Santa. He talked the WHOLE way there, wondering about the reindeer, where the elves were, talking about presents and what wondering what language he should speak to Santa in.
In line he tried everything to get to the front of the line and when asked what he was going to tell Santa he wanted all he would say was, "a purple present." When we finally got to see the old man Ignacio got shy but gladly approached him and said, "I want a purple whale." Then Emilio joined the jolly occassion and his face said, "Get me out of here!!" he waited patiently on Santa's lap as not to offend.

Go back in time to see the blog post about Ignacio's first trip here and you will realize he has always been Ignacio.

On to the Candy Store where Ignacio got this sucker and ate it all by the time he was strapped into his carseat. Amazing.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

9 and 3

The other day I was leaving the house for work and said to Angel, "I love you" to which he replied, "I love you too" to which Ignacio said "I love you three." I laughed my whole way to work.

Today at the doctor it was decided Emilio would have to get a shot. Ignacio looked at the doctor as said "That's my brother. You don't give him boo boos." Emilio started crying and Ignacio told the nurse, "He's saying no!" It was so adorable...his little valient effort to protect his bro. Unfortunately it didn't work.

Emilio had his 9 month check-up today and turns out he is turning out just great. I told the doctor it was a good thing because the return policy has expired on him. He is a slinkly little one coming in much longer than most babies his age. His head and weight are pretty par for the course. The doctor says that, although his belly button looks like it is getting worse, with time, it will heal and be okay. Emilio showed the doctor how he waves, pulled the stethoscope right out of the doctor's ears and drooled all over the place.

Ignacio finger painted Dr. Williams a picture and gave it to him proudly. The next check-up is at 1 year for Emilio and Ignacio will be 4 for his next check-up. I can hardly believe it. Everyone says that the time goes fast and I am feeling that now. My first baby will be a boy and my baby will be a toddler. For now, they are 9 and 3 and I will just soak that all in!

Monday, December 13, 2010


I did a little bit of everything on my birthday...cried, laughed, talked and danced. Here is a picture of me with my two greatest gifts.

Let it SNOW!!!!

This picture has nothing to do with the snow storm...but he is just so cute!!!
Angel and Ignacio headed out in the middle of the storm to play. All bundled up and ready to go!

It looks like they landed on Mars or something but here they are out in front of our place.

This is 11am although it looks like 5pm. The snow was coming down, the wind was blowing and I was sooooo excited!!

Good thing cousins live right next door. Here they are on their ride around the neighborhood! Hang on! Later that night we had our Cisneros Christmas and Maria and Miguel's house with a full Venezuelan meal and presents for all. Ignacio STAYED the night at his first sleepover at their house. We packed his backpack and came home, waiting patiently for the call to come get him or the knock on the door but it never came. Adriana, Cristian and Ignacio piled into the bed and slept the whole night!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Quotable Quotes

In the span of 10 minutes Ignacio said the following:

While pooping..."It looks like chocolate!!!!

While putting on his boots..."My cowboy boots aren't beautiful; they're fantastic."

Really got my Wednesday morning off to a hilarious start.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Ignacio's THREE year birthday party. Mama Ama's birthday bear was there to share in the fun and we all had a blast with food, cake and music.
Make a wish Ignacio!

Thanksgiving 2010...a 23 pound turkey! Don't worry...we had guests to help us eat it!

First snow fall of the year. Ignacio and I went out at 6am in our pajamas to walk to the street and see the snow. Later in the day we made it out to build our snowman...which subsequently fell over only hours later but was fun while it lasted. Oh, and we watched a snow plow for almost a half and hour.

This is currently my favorite face Emilio makes. When he is super spunky or super silly he smiles this big so you can see all his teeth and crinkles his little nose.
Ignacio in his present from auntie...a full-fledged fireman! He opened this up RIGHT away and didn't take it off for hours. Auntie sure knows him. Happy three years Ignacio...I mean fireman!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


On the way to Urgent Care on Ignacio's birthday it was just him and I in the car. After a day of ear pulling, crying and laying listless on the couch I thought we should take him in. His little brown eyes gazed out the window, fighting the sleep that so badly wanted them closed. The following is the coversation that we had...

Ignacio: Girls can be princesses?
Me: Yes, honey
Ignacio: Boys can be princes?
Me: Yes, my love
Ignacio: I'm a prince.
Me: You are?!!
Ignacio: You are a princess mommy.
Me: I am?!!
Ignacio: Do penguins fly?
Me: I don't think so.
Ignacio: What do worms eat?
Me: Food.
Ignacio: Oh.

After determining we were royalty we arrived. We were at the clinic right down the road from the hospital where, three years prior, I held him the exact same way I did at Urgent Care as we waited for the doctor to check him. To top it all off he wore his cowboy boots on the wrong feet.