Friday, June 1, 2012


Things I don't EVER want to forget:

*Emilio's little sayings:
-Amo Mami
-Lalalu for Dinosaur train
-Daqui for Lighting McQueen
-mano for hermano
-mas arriba for higher in the swings
-allboardchoochootren the game  the boys play with each other every night
-Lala for elmo
-bebe does it
-Yo!! for "I do it"
-nuggies for snuggles
-No tu for no you

Emilio is such a big boy but I feel myself holding on to him so tightly as a baby, especially considering recent events.  I cry because I can't recall him as a baby off the top of my head.  I don't remember every month, every moment.  Some of it is all a blur because I was so sick.  I want it all back.  I want to live it all again with him.  I know I was there but I can't remember it "like it was yesterday" and I know that today will be one of those days in the future when I long to remember him at 2 years 3 months.  He is so beautiful.  He is so kind.  He shocks people with his politeness and he is ADORABLE.  His character is strong and his throws his fits, cries and screams and you know it when he is mad.  He is intense and I try hard not to just give in as to avoid WWIII half the time.  He and his brother love each other.  They play so well together.  They snuggle.  They say gracias and por favor to each other.  Today Emilio fell and Ignacio requested to put his bandaid on for him.  They are so wonderful in each other's lives.  Emilio always thinks about his brother, always requested the thing he is requesting for his brother too.  Ignacio equally wants to be like his brother.  If one is in shoes and the other in sandles they will switch to both be in the same thing.  If one has short sleeves on the wants that too.  They are so funny that way.  He is growing so fast too.  He is already in 3T clothes and so long.  He is healthy and strong.  When he runs he looks like a 4 year old.  He is fearless...he jumped in the pool without his life jacket on and after Angel fished him out he wanted to do it again.  I look at him in amazement.  It seems like a dream that my body made them; that they turned out okay.  This time with him is unforgettable but it is sadly so easy to forget. 

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