Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Taking it all in...

Last night I laid next to you and took you all in.  Your hair line around your face was wet from being in such a deep sleep and your sweet little freshly-bathed boy smell was intoxicating and familiar.  Your pajamas were too short in the legs because you are growing so fast, so tall.  I put my head on your pillow and felt your warmth and listened to your shallow breathing as you were far away in your dreams.  I imagined putting my head on your broad shoulder when you are man but, in the meantime, enjoyed the feeling of your little bony shoulder under my head.  As I took your hand into mine I was reminded of how small you still are.  How fragile and precious you still are.  And I just stayed there.  In the moment that was you. And I promised myself to never forget it.

Movin' on up...!!!

In a week and a half Emilio has....drumroll please....learned to COMPLETELY put himself to bed, told me when he needed to use the toilet and actually used a BIG toilet outside of our house, and rode his tricycle. 

No more sitting in the rocker while he tosses and turns/plays/sings/falls asleep.  Our nights are freeeeeee.  No more, "It is your turn. No it is your turn." between Angel and I at night over who will put the kids to bed.  I just when in there one night and said sternly, "Mami all done silla(chair).  Emilio night night like nino grande."  It is moments like this you realize how much of the problem you were as the parent!  Boom.  He did it and has every sleep time since.  AMAZING!!!!!

Then we are at the pool and he says, "Mami pee pee." and so I take him to the potty in the pool bathroom, plop him up on toilet with his little hinder teetering on the edge and he goes.  Couldn't believe it!!!  Ignacio deserves all the credit.  If it weren't for him the training potty wouldn't even be out.  Every morning and every night he goes pee pee in his little potty and we cheer and he does a victory lap around the house.  I never believed in "training" and it appears he is ready.  Just think of all the money we will save...I am already plotting how to use almost $100 extra dollars a month!

Then this morning we are out in front of our building and he gets on his tricycle with focus that you wouldn't believe and puts his little "sandal shoes" on the pedals and goes.  He quickly crashes into a wall...but...he was pedaling.  Next phase was getting the feet and steering together.  He is so focused and determined that within 20 minutes he had it.  He goes in reverse without wanting to half the time but he is going. 

What's next?  A job, getting married.  Slow down Emilio.  You are still my baby.

Friday, June 8, 2012

On a poopier note...

First....Some other adorable things to remember about Emilio:

*Wooly Booly Wooly Booly Rockin in the round- the song we sing when lifting up his shirt and touching his belly!

*Pompi Pomps- the song we sing when he lays belly down and sticks his little butt up in the air so we push it down. 

*Emilio is into imitading sounds that he hears and then says, "Asi, Mami, Asi" to make sure I got it.

Today as I was getting out of the shower Ignacio approached me with a big poopy diaper in his hands and I quickly asked, "Where did you get that???!!!" to which he replied that he decided to change Emilio's diaper.  I proceeded into the room only to find Emilio UP ON HIS CHANGING TABLE and poop everywhere.  It was even running down the back of the changing table onto the floor.  Good Lord.  Needless to say the changing table mat is thrown out and Emilio had to head BACK into the tub.  Nice try Ignaico.  I'll take it from here! 

We hit 5 parks in 5 days!!! Bring it on summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Something Else

Ignacio sure is something else.  I can hardly believe it but his first year of preschool is over.  His graduation was last week, which I had to miss because I wasn't up and about yet.  My heart broke a little but I knew that there will be more moments.  He jumped out of Jenny's van with his little graduation cap on and I could hardly believe it.  The next day was his official "last day" and I was a little sad.  I have to admit; I had a moment.  I have made some great friends with other moms with whom I have shared some really tough and personal moments with this year.   I call them my "preschool friends" as a joke.  When I asked Ignacio if he wanted to go back to Joyce next year he said he wanted to go straight to kindergarten.  Classic Ignacio.

And so we look forward to the summer I am excited to spend the time with him and not have to worry about drop offs and pick ups, but I know he will need some major social engagement so I am paying close attention to which parks are packed with the most kids.  That is where you will find us.  He is a social flutter bug.  Within minutes he is making a friend, running around and/or orchestrating some game with a group of often-time older kids.  Emilio is usually stealing some kids sand toys on the sly or bravely defending his own. 

Ignacio is on the border between school-age kid and my little boy.  I can feel it.  He prefers to wrestle than snuggle some days but yet still requests that we, "sleep like little kitties" together during his nap.  This usually results in us falling asleep while holding each other's hands.  He says the most profound things during this time.  "We will be together forever." "It is important to share our love with others." "Even when I am dead I will send my love to you, just not with my body."  I often doze off in amazement at what a little philosopher he is and where it originates.  For a kid who has never even been to Sunday School, he is the most spiritual person I know.  Grandma says it comes from me.  She may be right.

He is still pretty easy to discipline.  I actually can't even remember the last time I had to put him in a cool down now that I think about it.  He still goes through anxious phases when he is scared of a certain part of our house or of being alone.  We got through the last one by him putting on his super hero cape and saging the house with smoke, directing it to the places of the house that most freak him out.  I even let him hold the burning sage so he was REALLY in control of cleaning out all the "scaries" and it seemed to work.  We just roll with it.  He rarely comes in our bed anymore but when he does we know it is probably for a good reason.  We just roll with it.  It can be frustrating and overwhelming but we are able to deal with it when it comes up, which is a rarer occurrence with the passing time.  We just recognize and honor that he is a pretty "tuned in" kid and that makes him our little one.

All in all, he is just something else.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

No reason for this season.

Life sure is funny sometimes.  It leaves you asking so many questions; so many of them without answers.  Why do things happen the way they do?  Is there even a reason?  Am I trying to make sense out of something so senseless?  Am I supposed to be more sad, more scared?  What do I want to do with my time here?  What is the goal?  What is my purpose?  What is left to be done and what is it that I need to let go of forever?  Why do things happen in the order they do?  Does it mean something?  Is it all a sign?  Are we to listen?  Are we to move ahead?  Where do we go?  Will the answers become clear with time or do we need to have a plan?  Is our family complete and who decides?  Who? What? Why? Where? When? 


Things I don't EVER want to forget:

*Emilio's little sayings:
-Amo Mami
-Lalalu for Dinosaur train
-Daqui for Lighting McQueen
-mano for hermano
-mas arriba for higher in the swings
-allboardchoochootren the game  the boys play with each other every night
-Lala for elmo
-bebe does it
-Yo!! for "I do it"
-nuggies for snuggles
-No tu for no you

Emilio is such a big boy but I feel myself holding on to him so tightly as a baby, especially considering recent events.  I cry because I can't recall him as a baby off the top of my head.  I don't remember every month, every moment.  Some of it is all a blur because I was so sick.  I want it all back.  I want to live it all again with him.  I know I was there but I can't remember it "like it was yesterday" and I know that today will be one of those days in the future when I long to remember him at 2 years 3 months.  He is so beautiful.  He is so kind.  He shocks people with his politeness and he is ADORABLE.  His character is strong and his throws his fits, cries and screams and you know it when he is mad.  He is intense and I try hard not to just give in as to avoid WWIII half the time.  He and his brother love each other.  They play so well together.  They snuggle.  They say gracias and por favor to each other.  Today Emilio fell and Ignacio requested to put his bandaid on for him.  They are so wonderful in each other's lives.  Emilio always thinks about his brother, always requested the thing he is requesting for his brother too.  Ignacio equally wants to be like his brother.  If one is in shoes and the other in sandles they will switch to both be in the same thing.  If one has short sleeves on the wants that too.  They are so funny that way.  He is growing so fast too.  He is already in 3T clothes and so long.  He is healthy and strong.  When he runs he looks like a 4 year old.  He is fearless...he jumped in the pool without his life jacket on and after Angel fished him out he wanted to do it again.  I look at him in amazement.  It seems like a dream that my body made them; that they turned out okay.  This time with him is unforgettable but it is sadly so easy to forget.