Tuesday, November 12, 2013

In the dark

Last night I got home from work and I could hear the boys were still awake in their bunk bed. After nursing the baby so he would go to sleep, I quietly went into their room. I could see in the dim light that Emilio  was tossing and turning down in the bottom bunk. I snuggled my way in next to him and immediately felt his warmth. He was doing what he does every night, rocking back-and-forth snuggling and smelling his blankey and looking around the room. He snuggled in right next to me and give me a big hug and it felt so good to be with him still and quiet. I whispered to him that I loved him so much and he replied, "What you love me more then?"  I then told him that I love him more than snow. I could see his little half smile in the dark. It was then that he turned his back towards me and I knew intuitively he was getting ready to actually fall sleep. Then it happened. I caught a glimpse of the back of his head. It was really more the shadow of it in the glow of the night light in the room. It was a little boy laying next to me. Not a baby and no longer a toddler. A beautiful big boy. It's easy when you're with him every day to miss the change and the growth.  The days roll into each other and everything starts to blend. But sometimes,when you take a moment in the dark warmth of the bottom bunk, you notice it. The beauty of what you've created. 

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