Emilio David. My bright, strong-willed boy. Emilio certainly knows who he is! We have been working hard to help him learn how to calm down when his mads and his sads get so big so fast. And believe me they get big really fast!! He's been earning stars when he's able to calm himself down and we did it for a month and it really seem to help. He still has a hard time transitioning from doing one thing to another but that's getting better too. Sometimes it's easy to forget he's only three years old because he's so big!
It is his first year at preschool and he is doing so well!!! He is definitely not a people pleaser and he's not a cookie-cutter kind of kid. He dances to the beat of his own drum. It is one of the things that I love about him even if it can be very challenging at times! At school he is participating well and doing really great listening. It is fun to see him branch out on his own without his big brother. He seems to be doing well academically and socially. He's one of the only kids in the class that can already write his name! Proud mama!!
He has been such a great big brother to Santiago. Santiago loves watching him play because he is so much energy. Sometime Santiago doesn't know if you should admire him or be afraid of him because he's so energetic! His way of giving Santiago hugs is to smell him. I just love it as he nuzzles his head into the babies chest and takes a deep breath in. So sweet!
Emilio has also become quite the storyteller! He's figured out that he can make up stories in his head and have them come out his mouth and get a reaction. After hearing that Ignacio went to a computer class at kindergarten Emilio created a lavish story involving a limousine and movies that he watched as he was driven to his computer class by his teacher. Crack me up. The funny thing is that he actually believes his own stories! Angel said he was that way. I will give him the credit for this one! We just love Emilio. Life certainly would be boring without him in our family. He keeps us laughing, often times without even trying. 

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