Thursday, March 28, 2013


Sometimes during the week the boys and I have a "sleepover" which mean we all pile into the King Size bed and snuggle in.  Yesterday was one of those days.  The boys requested I be in the middle, which I begrudgingly took although I knew in twenty minutes I would have to go to the bathroom and would have to find my way out of the bed.  Angel Ignacio pressed his back into mine because he knows it relieves some of the pressure from the pregnancy and Emilio was practically on top of me snuggled in.  Within five minutes Ignacio was out.  I could feel his little twitches; a sure tell sign he was off and dreaming.  Emilio took a little longer but was soon breathing in a steady rhythm and becoming the little hot pocket he does when he sleeps.  I, of course was in between them like the ham in a ham sandwich.  I just took a moment for gratitude.  What a blessing to be with my boys every day; to watch them grow.  There was no where in the world I would rather be.  No board room, or session, or meeting.  I was meant to be right there; at a sleepover in the middle of the day with the sun pouring in the window onto us. 

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