Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Budding Brotherhood

Emilio is here to stay. I think this has been Ignacio's realization this week and so, there is no other option but to like him. Emilio is cute and grows on you quickly. Ignacio wakes up in the morning and asks where "hermanito" is. He has started sharing toys with him and makes sure we mention him when talking about who is going where. Very cute. He still mentions we "put him down" or that "papa feeds him" and tries to convince me that "he's sleeping" when he is wailing in the next room but overall I think we are headed in the right direction. One day he won't even remember his life without Emilio. What was life like for me without Krissy? I don't know!

Ignacio shared his polar bear with Emilio. Funny that it is the biggest toy he has and Emilio is so small. Good sharing!
Gaining conflidence and playing closer to the baby. He touches his head and feet and gives him kisses now. Just wait until Emilio is smiling and he becomes part of Ignacio's "audience"!!

Ignacio loves givng Emilio a bubble bath. He rubs the soap on him and was very concerned for a week that his belly button was so dirty. We got that taken care of. He always wants Emilio to sit next to him and I explain that one day he will.

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