Sunday, March 28, 2010
A Budding Brotherhood
Emilio is here to stay. I think this has been Ignacio's realization this week and so, there is no other option but to like him. Emilio is cute and grows on you quickly. Ignacio wakes up in the morning and asks where "hermanito" is. He has started sharing toys with him and makes sure we mention him when talking about who is going where. Very cute. He still mentions we "put him down" or that "papa feeds him" and tries to convince me that "he's sleeping" when he is wailing in the next room but overall I think we are headed in the right direction. One day he won't even remember his life without Emilio. What was life like for me without Krissy? I don't know!
Ignacio shared his polar bear with Emilio. Funny that it is the biggest toy he has and Emilio is so small. Good sharing!

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Transformative-Part 1
10pm first contraction. 10:14 second contraction. this could be it. 10:15 Ignacio wakes up and wants to be "with mommy" and we bring him in bed. 11:30pm I wake Angel up to tell him I am in labor. Silence. Darkness. Ignacio breathing. Quiet and comfortable in bed. Contractions coming. No sleep. watching ignacio sleep and breathe. it will all be different soon. this is it. we are all together for one last night. closeness. contractions coming stronger. not more frequent. a few minutes of sleep between them. ignacio moving. my baby boy. rubbing his head. darkness and quiet. laboring in bed. ride it like a wave. stay above it. daybreak. ignacio up. moving through the morning routine. eating cold pancakes with ignacio on the couch. singing songs during contractions. still 10 minutes apart. eyes closed. move through it. ride it. i don't want to be apart from ignacio. when should i send him to krista's? i should but don't want to. want him close. it is all going to change. eating bread. laying in bed. contractions coming. 10am still contracting. wonder if i've made progress. time for ignacio to go. crying in bed. can't bear to be away. i have to do this. sitting in bed. trying to dry my tears. maria comes to pick him up. my labor picks up. call krissy. ignacio's on his way. crying. i don't know why i am crying. the tears just come. breathe. contractions 5 minutes apart. call the midwife. call Amy. come to the clinic. ignacio has to go. bags are packed. make sure to send his toys. does he have everything. i can do this. i have to do this. call krissy. "how was that for you?" just what i needed her to ask. "take care of my baby boy." "I will." bye ignacio. love you through and through. contractions coming faster now. body is ready. take a shower. breathe through it. it is okay. relax. calmness. stillness in the house. walking hurts. sit, walk, sit walk. laying in hallway. contractions coming stronger. pressure when standing. angel helps me up. we make it to the car. eyes closed. ride it like a wave. stay above it. ride it.
Top 5
Here are Emilio's five favorite things:
5. Mommy's milk
4. A clean diaper
3. Sucking...Did I mention mommy's milk?
2. Being warm
1. Mommy's milk
Here are Emilio's five least favorite things:
5. A dirty diaper
4. Gas
3. Loud noises
2. Being put down before he is asleep
1. Having to wait for mommy's milky
5. Mommy's milk
4. A clean diaper
3. Sucking...Did I mention mommy's milk?
2. Being warm
1. Mommy's milk
Here are Emilio's five least favorite things:
5. A dirty diaper
4. Gas
3. Loud noises
2. Being put down before he is asleep
1. Having to wait for mommy's milky
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Happy Birthday
Emilio is two weeks old today and as the clock hit 4:23pm I was remembering the moment he was born. Sometimes two weeks seems like an eternity ago and other times it seems like it was just yesterday. We are settling in. Ignacio's "edge" has been taken off as the days go by. He is accepting that Emilio is here to stay and Angel and I are attempting to find that balance of love and guidance. Not an easy task with so much change happening. The good new is that Ignacio will touch Emilio now, the touch of a tiny foot or little finger. We took our first walk and he insisted on pushing the stroller. Emilio is a sweetie pie. He is more alert during the day, prefering to be still and stare rather than moving. He is calm but can get adorably upset when unhappy. We love him so much. We will find our center slowly but surely. We will continue to laugh and continue to love.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Emilio David...Sweet Prince

Emilio David has joined our family and what a sweet addition he is. He is calm, only asks for what is needed and a love bug. The last week and a half has been filled with challenges and joys, but definately more joys. Ignacio is coming around to having this little person in our home. He spends most of the day pretending he isn't here but I will spot moments of connection too precious to believe, a touch of Emilio's tiny foot, a kiss on the head. And then there are the funny moments
Monday, March 8, 2010
39 and 1
Today I am 39 weeks and 1 day. My due date is approaching this Sunday and I am just trusting this baby to be born when it is good and ready. If this baby is like Ignacio, it REALLY likes being close to mommy. I tend to have "kangaroo babies" meaning that, if I had pouch they would gladly jump in to be close. For now Angel and I (and Ignacio) continue to wait. We know that soon we will meet the next member of our family. I find myself not answering every phone call and reserving my energy for things that matter most. Because I don't know when I will have to bring this baby into the world I take every day to make sure I am fed, resting and hydrated.
Ignacio is so wonderful and patient with me right now. The baby is so low that walking is difficult so I spend much of the day sitting or laying down. He plays independently, lining up his stuffed animals to read to them or putting his animals in the train and pretending they are going to the pool. His imagination is phenominal and it is just as fun to watch his play from the couch than it is to watch good TV. He is getting to be a "big boy" and don't even think about calling him a baby! Every night he goes potty on the toilet "like papa" and is developing into a wonderful little independent person. I am so excited to share this next life experience with him. I know that having him by my side every day will bring joy and laughter...and some tears!
I continue to ask for blessings as I wait and am thankful for all the support and love being sent my way. Soon we will be four!!!!
Ignacio is so wonderful and patient with me right now. The baby is so low that walking is difficult so I spend much of the day sitting or laying down. He plays independently, lining up his stuffed animals to read to them or putting his animals in the train and pretending they are going to the pool. His imagination is phenominal and it is just as fun to watch his play from the couch than it is to watch good TV. He is getting to be a "big boy" and don't even think about calling him a baby! Every night he goes potty on the toilet "like papa" and is developing into a wonderful little independent person. I am so excited to share this next life experience with him. I know that having him by my side every day will bring joy and laughter...and some tears!
I continue to ask for blessings as I wait and am thankful for all the support and love being sent my way. Soon we will be four!!!!
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