Monday, April 14, 2008

Hey Good Lookin'

I was at Babies R' Us yesterday with Angel Ignacio and I caught him with the biggest smile ever and looked up to see what he was looking at. There was a big, blown-up picture of a baby. Soon I realized that the entire store is full of these big pictures of little ones crawling, smiling, standing. Ignacio smiled at EVERY one as if the babies were intentially looking at him and saying, "Hey there fellow little one. How goes it?" It was the cutest thing watching him light up as we passed by these signs. I didn't want to break it to him that they were two dimensional images that were never going to really be his friends. I just enjoyed watching him delight at the possibility.

1 comment:

muva said...

WOW What a BIG BOY!!!

Kate Blanchard had a son and named him Ignacio!!!

I finally have a blog identity, yipee