Friday, April 4, 2008

Little Puppy

Angel Ignacio, when tired, has developed a new fun game he likes to play which we are calling "Puppy Doggy." He likes to open his wet little mouth as WIDE as he can, grab your hair, ears or shoulders to bring you into him, and then move his head back and forth fast like a doggy with a play toy so that, by the end of the "game" your face is wet and sticky with his baby goober. Angel thinks it is hilarious when Igancio does this to me. I, on the other hand, am excited for a new game to develop as this one generally leaves me feeling like I need to take a shower before bed. Funny thing is, when I was pregnant, I often told people that the shooting pain down my legs towards the end of the pregnancy felt like the baby was moving his head back and forth like a puppy. Guess I was right. I suppose I will take a sloppy baby kiss over sharp pain any day!

1 comment:

lulu said...

I want some new photos. I am in Nashville and need my Ignacio fix.