Our beautiful boy turned one on Saturday. We had to convince Emilio most of the morning that the baby had actually turned one. Because Santiago didn't look any bigger, Emilio wasn't quite convinced. We scheduled the party around his naptime so that he would be fresh and ready to go. It was a beautiful, partly sunny day with a strong breeze and almost 90° weather. The park we chose ended up being perfect. I just took the whole day in; making sure to spend extra time and pay extra attention to my little one. To think a year ago he was nestled on my chest in the hospital and there he was in the park walking, smiling and giggling...feeling totally comfortable being the center of attention. We decided to go all out for Santiago's first birthday party...a nice meal, good music, a piñata and beautiful refreshments. My heart was filled with gratitude watching all of the people who we love and who love us helping to make the day so special. By the time we left the park at around 8 o'clock we were exhausted. Just the thought of unloading the van and all the cars was overwhelming, but we all dug deep and managed to get everything out and organized. While I spent the day feeling a bit of grief that my youngest baby was already one, Angel was feeling the excitement of all that was to come. As I nursed Santiago to sleep, I paid extra attention to everything that makes him who he is right now...the way his hair curls behind his ears, the way his little fingers still have dimples and the softness of his cheeks. We made him and we made it through the year. Happy birthday beautiful Santiago! 

Emilio designed Santiago's cake. It was a monkey reading Santiago a book under a banana tree. The boys made an appearance on the cake playing soccer. The theme was bananas because it's his favorite food.

The birthday boy!

Singing happy birthday!

Auntie helping with the gifts.

He enjoyed the cake...to the last crumb.

Piñata time!

My lemonade vision made reality!
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