It seems like just yesterday I was locking eyes with you for the first time. It seems like just yesterday I put you to my chest for the first time. It seems like yesterday I changed your first diaper and wiped your first runny nose. It seems like just yesterday that I held your entire little body on mine all through the night. It seems like just yesterday your little finger wrapped around mine and the tears came. You are big now. You are bright now. You are headed on a new adventure that has nothing to do with locking eyes, holding on or snuggling in. You are about to fly. To see new things in a big, big world. To open your hands wide to catch all that is amazing in them. Always know, that no matter what, you are loved. You are loved so very much. You are cherished and loved and seen and believed in. You are mine and now you are the world's. Good luck in Kindergarten my first baby. You are going to fly.

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