On July 26th, 2013 at 4:07am Santiago was born. Today is August 26th, 2013 at 10:10am and I am finally blogging. Where do I even begin? Labor? So many false starts this time! Is this it? No. Is this it? No. Then finally the contractions started coming around 3pm and continued pretty regular. By 6pm I was calling the hospital and by 7pm I was sitting on the hallway floor unable to get up. The boys were putting there hands between my legs and stating that they were "ready to help." We tried to call Miguel and he finally came. Contractions were strong and regular and I cried as we left the boys but felt good knowing Casey was on her way to take over. On the way we missed the turn to the hospital. Good Lord. You would think that wouldn't happen the third time around! As we arrived Angel parked the car and then I was wheeled rather quickly by a nice man who brought me to Labor and Delivery. Nothing better than seeing Amy Knox's face, the midwife who has been with us through thick and thin. What are the chances? As now acting supervisor she is only on call one day a month. Amazing. She checked me and I was at 5cm. Into the birthing tub!! There I stayed for over three hours. One contraction at a time. Taking it slow. Feeling like floating. Trying to relax. Let me just say...that is impossible in active labor. At 11pm I hadn't eaten in 12 hours and was feeling week. At that point I requested an epidural and made my way out of the tub. The next 1/2 hour was horrible. They made me go to the bathroom....OUCH!! Then I had to get an IV...OUCH they blew the vein. Then I had to wait for to get hydrated...OUCH big contractions. Angel was right there. Forehead to forehead with me. The guy finally comes to do the epidural and at this point I don't even care. All of a sudden Angel turns white and starts falling back. Extra staff is called in and they sit him down. Nurses rush in and the guy finishes the epidural and then heads over to be with Angel. I am scared. What is wrong???? They get him juice and lay him down in a bed next to me. The nurses say this is common. I am worried. Then it is all over. Angel has color, I don't have pain. Beautiful. I suddenly feel guilty for leaving all the discomfort to the baby. I am told to sleep...yea right. With a numb body, blood pressure cuff and IV that is NOT going to happen. The hours pass and my water breaks. I thank the gods I have an epidural...that is when it really get intense! I labor down for over an hour. Amy check me and the head is there. She goes to deliver another baby and comes back. Time to push. I start to cry. This is it. The moment I have dreamt of. The baby on my chest. Alive. Breathing. Okay. Through all the losses, all the fear and all the bravery this was it. I only pushed for a few minutes and his head came out. Full head of swirling black hair. Wet and beautiful. The tears come some more. My baby boy. My love. Come to me. He started wiggling his own head as if to birth himself. The midwives laugh. I look up and notice all the nurses have left there posts to come and support me. Amy is crying. She knows. She knows the back story, the under current and the meaning behind the meaning. And then he is here. Big and beautiful and here. On my chest. He is here. Welcome Santiago. I love you. I always have.