Monday, December 19, 2011

Full of Firsts

We attended Ignacio's first parent-teacher conference. I am not going to brag...but...the teacher did use the word "advanced."

In a nutshell...Ignacio:
*prefers social interaction over playing alone
*talks A LOT
*is respectful and kind
*has many friends and interacts with everyone
*is fluid in Spanish and English
*is a great of the only ones that stays sitting during circle time
*makes people laugh
*regulates conversations by looking away
*knows all his letters and numbers up to 20
*is empathetic..he knows who is out sick and asks about them
*talks all the time about his brother
*is good at letting people know what he needs

Last weekend was his first concert and the Joyce Holiday Fiesta. Auntie was right there to cheer him on. As I had the video camera pointed at Igancio ready to sing in the big gym I noticed that Emilio was no where to be found. Not wanting to take the camera off Ignacio but also wanting to find Emilio, I panicked. As I looked through the screen of the video camera I noticed a little boy in the front row with the kids up on the stage ready to sing. It was my little Emilio. He was up there ready to go and up there is where he stayed all three songs. He was moving back and forth and making eye contact with the audience.

This just solidified the fact that Emilio thinks he is in preschool. On the days Ignacio goes, Emilio carries his lunch box to school and upon entering, Emilio hangs his coat up on the hook with Ignacio's. Before you know if he is off and running into the classroom until I have to take him out kicking and screaming because he wants to stay. Well, he had his moment at the Fiesta up on stage like a big boy. Ignacio sang beautifully and was shy. He held his friend Jacob's hand the whole time. It was adorable...every part of it was adorable.

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