His cubby!!!

Walking into the building. Here is where I got a little teared up.

I woke up to Ignacio two inches from face asking, "Is today my first day of school????!!!!" Yes, indeed it was. After doing circles around the house while I got ready, he finally decided to use his excitement constructively and make a picture for his teacher. A purple whale. By 8:30am we were out the door and I was taking an insane number of pictures while he and Emilio ran circles around each other. He looked so little and yet so big at the same time. Rewind 12 hours and I was sighing as I packed his first lunchbox and wrote him his first love note. And now here he was, jumping out of the car as we arrived at preschool with that same lunchbox in tow. He ran to the top of the stairs in front of his school at put his fist to the air and exclaimed, "Listo para aprender!!! (Ready to Learn!!)" Okay, he's ready.
As we entered the school the energy was high and his teacher was there to greet him. After hanging up his jacket and backpack on his hook we made our way to the all-purpose room where all the parents and kids were gathered. How refreshing to hear a room full of kids speaking Spanish with little gold chains on and parents giving them directions that sounded eerily familiar to the way we instruct in our household. He jumped into PlayDoh and within minutes I felt it was time for me to go. After giving him my "Bendicion" (blessing) I made my way out with Emili0.
There it was. The moment I had been anticipating. The moment that, some days, never seemed would come. How did it feel? It felt natural and perfectly timed. I was ready. He was ready. I just don't know if the world is ready!
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