Sunday, April 10, 2011

He's off!

So Angel went to Chicago for work this week and when he called to check in and see what was new I cringed when I told him over the phone, "Emilio is walking." It wasn't bad that he's walking but just, what are the chances Angel would be away when it happened. But it was true. That afternoon I was on one side of the living room with a box of Annie's Cracker Mix and Emilio took over 5 steps to get to me (In all fairness in my head it was to me but it was really to get the crackers). And then he just took off. You know when you try to start a lawn mower and after a few crueling tries it starts? Well, that is what Emilio has been like with walking...a few falls and tumbles but then....VRRROOOOMMM. He's off. He looks like something between an old man and a drunk man when he waddles but it is ADORABLE. And the best part is that he usually babbles when he does it. You have to see it to believe it but Emilio is turning into a toddler, although in my heart he is still my baby.

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