Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stand Corrected

Ignacio has become quite the little stickler for proper usage of the English language. The other day he was getting ready to go outside and I said, "Put on your jacket" to which he said, "It's not a jacket. It's a coat." Today he told me isn't wasn't a drumstick that he was using to play the drum but rather a "mallot." He learned that in music class by the way. I had forgotten but good thing he was paying attention. I was probably removing a "mallot" from Emilio's mouth at the moment. God forbid I ask him to put his car away when it happens to be a truck. On a good day I say, "You're right Ignacio. That is a truck." On a bad day I think, "JUST PUT IT AWAY! I DON'T CARE WHAT IT IS!" Some days he will ask me the question when he already knows the answer, kind of hoping I will give him wrong answer so he can correct me. For instance..."Emilio is a boy?" to which I say, "Yes, he's a boy." Then he says, "No he's not. He's a baby." Most days I just think, " I stand corrected Ignacio. I stand corrected."

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