This is the bus that was sent by Henry's family to take us an hour out of the city to their beach home.

Miguel and Henry's father, Joe.

Just one view from their backyard of the golf course on the property. Roger...looking for a vacation.????

Swimming with abuela in the backyard pool at the beach house. At the end of the day we took the golf cart to the private beach on the ocean and picked up shells and enjoyed the waves.

Because our apartment was downtown in Panama City we walked around to see the sights. Here we are at our favorite eat spot.

We decided to take a boat ride to an island for the day. The trip was one hour long but the sun was hot! Miguel and Angel ran to get two of the only four umbrellas being sold at the beach.

On the island there were very few places to eat but we managed to take a walk to get out of the sun. Ignacio fell asleep...finally!

Cristian and Ignacio taking their first walk as nudists on the beach. Ignacio spent the whole day in the sand and, with it almost 100 degrees out we had to keep bringing him under the shade.

This was Tuesday night at Henry's parent's home. A very formal affair with waiters, paella served for dinner and good conversation.

The indigenous of Panama sew these beautiful clothes. I bought one that represents fertility and women to remember being pregnant on the trip. This is the woman who made it. Now all I have to do it find a frame.

Here we are celebrating the birthday of Ignacio, Senor Angel and Miguel. Their birthdays are three days in a row! Ignacio was very focused on the cake and waited patiently as we all sang "Cumpleanos Feliz" three times.

Abuelos got Ignacio a fire truck!! Notice how tense his body is with excitement!

The three generations cutting the cake together. It was so special to be able to celebrate with family from far and wide. I cried as we sang because it was so overwhelming to be surrounded by people from this part of who Ignacio is. It was a reminder and reinforcer to me as a mom to kindle and nourish his Venezuelan self and never, ever let him forget who he is.

Here we are at.....guess where???.... A MALL! This is Angel's aunt who was in town for the wedding. Ignacio was passed out.

Henry and Marlene the day after the wedding.

Just some of Angel's aunts who were in town for the wedding. Some he hadn't seen in 15 years. So special to be together and laugh!

Abuela pretended he was a lion and Ignacio would get on top of him and they would snuggle.

Snuggle time with Tia Marlene!
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