Sunday, November 8, 2009

All About Papa

All week the number one word in our house is "mama"...Mama this and Mama that. Then the weekend comes and Papa is number one in the world of least during the day! Ignacio is very aware of where Papa is and what he is doing. He goes and plays outside with Papa, eats with Papa, wrestles with Papa and plays with Papa. Ignacio will scream, "Papa leon!" meaning he wants Angel to pretend with all his might that he is a lion and Ignacio quickly gets on all fours to be the "bebe leon". Not only do the weekends provide Mama with a break from some of the action, they are inspiring. When you ask Ignacio who his best friend is he quickly responds, "Papa" and you can feel that it is only the beginning of something extraordinarily wonderful.
Angel put shaving cream on Ignacio's face and used a spoon to "shave" it off, just like Papa does.

Here they are in just part of our weekend rituals. We all crawl into our bed at daybreak and snuggle and eat cereal out of the box, make our way to the kitchen and eat a good breakfast with the radio playing and toys strewn about and then end up in his breadroom where Angel wrestles with Ignacio on the floor, tries to to build towers out of blocks and reads.

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