Since staying at home with Ignacio we are really enjoying the summer. On nice days we are outside most of the afternoon and on rainy days we head to Barnes and Noble or a mall to run around and make a mess. It is so nice to have a pool on your roof and, while some days we miss having a backyard we make it a point to get to all the parks we can. Ignacio loves it when there are other kids at the pools and parks. He screams and gets excited thinking that he too is in on the game of tag the 7 year olds have going on. It is so fun to watch his little eyes as he observes the other little ones and big ones. But, he is a momma's boy. If anyone gets too close he says, "Mama" and slowly makes his way over to me. At one wading pool he fell face first in the water and popped up, made his way for the edge and said, "All done." I love a kid who knows who he is and what he wants!

Playing in Auntie's backyard with Cousin Addison. The boys are so cute this summer. While their personalities are so different they respect and love each other just as much as we love them.

We went to a bbq at a friend's house who had kids and turned around only to find Ignacio had found goggles and a toy. Our kid has PERSONALITY!!! Not a dull bulb in this box!

Num Num is what Ignacio says now when it is time to eat. He also says, "hambre" which means hungry in Spanish. His language is taking off so fast. He can now say two to three words together and his little brain is just ticking trying to put new things together. Here are some of his cutest statements thus far:
All Done Ni Ni = I am waking up now and done sleeping.
Bye Bye stink stink= I am flushing the toilet now.
Otro Ni Ni = Time to go to bed again. Otro means "another" in Spanish.
Ni Ni Picho= Good night penis. We call it a Piripicho in Spanish. For some reason he has to say good night to it.

Hanging with my cousins at the pool. Cookie anyone?
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