Monday, March 2, 2009

It's not what he does...

Ignacio is getting so big! He learns so fast that, at least once a day, I just smile because I realize he remembered something even I forgot or notices something all together amazing. Today has been a great day because I got to see Ignacio try his first kiwi. I tell you, having a baby is like hosting a foreign exchange student only it's like they are visiting from another planet! You explain things slowly, excite in watching then experience new things like your food and delight in patiently awaiting their reaction. Well, he loved the kiwi and ate two. Here are other things he is up to lately:

Ignacio can:

Show you where his eyes and mouth are when asked.

Say "oshhh" for oso (bear) and anya for banana.

Hold his cup up to yours when you say, "Salud!" and then take a dramatic swig.

Bark like a dog, baa like a sheep and moo like a cow when asked, "What does the dog say?" in Spanish. He is still working on the still sounds like he is just choking.

Take off his own shoes in the car (The minute you hear the velco peel you know he is not in a good place!) or throw his food on the floor as a way to say, "Listen up people, I ain't happy!"

Pretend to put lotion on and also brush his teeth when mama or papa does.

Hold bottles to his stuffed animals' mouth to feed them and smack his own lips while doing it so it sounds like they are drinking.

Dance, but prefers to do it when he is by himself because he gets embarrassed!

When asked where a certain animal is can put it out of a pile of toys like the cow, pig, sheep, and duck.

Listen very well.

He is so much fun to hang out with and it is interesting to watch our relationship develop as we get to know eachother. Don't get me wrong, it is SO MUCH work! In the end, even if he can do all of these wonderful new things, it is more about who he is than what he can do. And he is a wonderful little spirit!

1 comment:

muva said...

So exciting..

Naci is lucky to have wonderful parents to influence him
Can't wait to see you all
Just love getting the news!!!