Enjoying a walk and a beautiful of the expansive skyline of Panama City.
With abuela at a mall before going out to eat. It is HOT in Panama and really humid because of the oceans on both sides. Getting to air conditioning is a good idea!
Abuelo was the only one besides mama and papa that could get Ignacio to sleep. Here he is in sweet slumber after a cool afternoon shower. Abuelo eventually put him in his crib but I could tell he would have been just as content to have his stay on his chest.
We took a trip across the country to the Atlantic side and after three hours in the car through beautiful countryside we finally hit the ocean and followed the coast another half an hour. After a short, WAVY boat ride to an island we spent the day with cousin Javier at a prestine beach on quaint Isla Grande. Ignacio didn't like sand on his hands (somewhat complicated at a beach!) so he spent most of the day with papa in the water.
On the way across the country we stopped at some ruins from the 1600's. Don't ask me the details! They were old and pretty. That's all I remember! Seeing the Atlantic ocean was the closest we felt like we were in Venezuela. It felt refreshing to spend the day on this side of the country to make it feel a little bit more like we had gone home.
Here is abuelo with Ignacio teaching him how to swim. The community where they live has a pool so we spent most days there with Ignacio, who preferred to walk with his stroller around and around the pool as his confidence and speed as greatly improved over time.
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