Monday, August 4, 2008

All Rise!!

Angel went into Ignacio's room yesterday morning only to find him proudly STANDING in his crib, white knuckles grasping to the side rail with a smile on his face. I couldn't believe it so I went into the room after his first nap to see for myself. There he was, four white teeth peeled with a smile and my big boy standing up with ease as if he had done it millions of times before. Later in the day after his second nap I went in and he was standing and biting the wooden rail. I quickly intervened only to look closely. All along the rail were teeth marks, much like a beaver's. They were on the back (from his bottom teeth) and the front (from the top teeth). Angel and I then explained to Ignacio that he wasn't a chipmunk or a beaver and that, at the rate he was going, he was going to widdle his crib down to something we could sell at next year's art fair. He didn't seem to care as he wasn't the one who stood in Babies R' Us for three hours trying to pick it out. So, we are moving on the next chapter in the ever-developing story of Ignacio, my upright little chippy.

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