Saturday, July 5, 2008

Out and About

With such beautiful weather our family has been out and about, back to Minnehaha Falls for a day in the park followed the next day by Ignacio's first trip to the Farmer's Market and the zoo. He was in bed by the time the fireworks started so Angel and I sat out on our balcony where, and I am not kidding you, you can see about 15 different shows around the city and surrounding areas. Great Grandma Smith sent him a package to celebrate her favorite holiday, which including patriotic clothing and toys along with Ignacio's first American flags. Now all he needs are his red, white and blue Zumba pants and he is good to go!

I was thinking back at my July 4ths growing up and they were so much fun, Brown Deer Park, the parade, a picnic table in the shade with the family. But the best fireworks show Angel and I have decided is definately the one in Superior, WI. The hot spot to be is in the Menard's parking lot. Why, you may ask. It is because the entire petri dish that is Superior is there, which means you are sure to see some idiot practically blow his hand off setting something off next to his gas-guzzling Ram Pick-Up truck. To top it all off they shoot the fireworks off right across the street so there is always the thrill that one may not go off right and we could all catch on fire. Talk about suspense!! The last time we were there we were covered in ash as we left and could barely see eachother because of the smoke that filled the parking lot. Exciting! We will wait until Ignacio is a bit older to expose him to that fun!

He loved the zoo. It was hotter than a pistol but we knew he would enjoy it because he practically freaks out with excitement when he sees Krissy's kitty. His favorite animal, based on mother-interpreted-facial-expression reading was the monkey. The other on-lookers were probably highly annoyed as I made EVERY animal sound as we stood in front of the glass, observing the annoyed animals whose expressions said, "Get me the hell out of here." We just ignored them and pretended they were always destined to be in a cage, surrounded by plastic trees and toys with humans gauking. It will be fun to watch Ignacio enjoy it even more next year when he is running around and we are attempting to keep track of him. If we do loose him, I will head straight to the primate area and see if my predictions this year were right!

Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Trevor said...

These are great pictures. I especially like the the American Flag Penis Adornment from Grandma- boy, the Chinese really go all out for us, don't they!
Supe-town fireworks still rock. I can't engage in meaningless conversation with MoonUnit while she rings up my groceries without thinking about her awesome tip. Or about the time Angel tried to stir up controversy by wearing his Osama bin Laden outfit into the grocery store and Key Port. Too bad he knows more people in Superior than I know in all of America- no one seemed surprised by the get up.
Also, you're welcome for getting your blog scanned and flagged by the CIA for the random bin Laden reference. Let me know when they start tapping your phones, too. Love you guys!!