I love spending time with Ignacio, especially because he is SO expressive. I wonder where he gets that from? Eating has become a daily show I rarely want to miss. I made some babyfood and every time he tries a new flavor I just sit back and wait patiently for his face. Today it was carrots. I thought they were really good but then again I've been eating them for some 28 or so years. The look on his face said something different. It was a cross between smelling roadkill and eating a lemon. Sometimes the face turns into a gag as if I just fed him cow brain. The funnier thing is that he just continued opening his mouth for more and repeating the same face after every bite.
I also love his face when he looks at me and laughs. There is just this moment when our eyes connect and we both recongnize the goofiness in the other and smile. I can tell he knows me well and I him. Yesterday that smile turned into an all-out giggle fest that lasted a couple of minutes. I don't know why but something in his face made me giddy and before I knew it he was chuckling right along with me, which in turn made me laugh more. Angel was sitting at the table watching the exchange as tears practically rolled down my face from laughting so hard and Ignacio, on the floor, could hardly contain himself. What a blessing, to have a new person to get giddy with. Angel will now have two unpredictable and unexplainable goofballs to survive!
Another new face is when he gets scared. Things that used to be delightful in his world have suddenly become new dangers lurking...a barking dog, a swing, the blender. His eyes squint and his mouth opens as his eyes grow wide with wonderment and then it comes, the cry. I have to admit it is heartbreaking to watch it but there is no better feeling in the world than scooping him up, holding him close and promising him it is okay, which is one promise I know I can keep.