Here are a bunch of recent pictures from this weekend. The pictures of us dressed up are at Addison's baptism today. It was really wonderful and we had a nice lunch after at Krissy and Chad's house. Ignacio amazingly slept through some of the mass and was bright eyed and bushy taled the rest of the day. My mom is here and it is so fun to see her with her grandbabies. Ignacio is in love...she is the only other person he knows besides his mom that can keep up with him. He loves her pink purse. The staps are the perfect texture and size for his gums. Now all he needs are matching shoes. The other pictures are of us at Joe's Garage on the roof eating din-din. My mom showed Ignacio how to drink out of a glass!!! He is only five months old but thinks it is pretty cool. My mom says he probably gets dehydrated with all the constand moving...and I mean CONSTANT! She also fed him BANANAS!!! He is so excited to be on to big boy food. She even got him a booster chair so that he can sit with the family and constantly drop his toys on the floor. Grandma says he has WONDERFUL table manners. He doesn't reach for the spoon or spit. He patiently waits with his mouth open and eyes wide like a little bird. Afterwards it is time for dessert...a cold washcloth just for him. He chews on it until his heart is content. Teeth should be on the way soon. Well, time for bed. Ignacio is already sleeping so we should too. Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:
It sure was fun watching mom with Ignacio. He found a force greater than his own. I believe this helped mom put him to sleep. I enjoyed my time with Naci this past week. I was spoiled with his presence and energy.
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