Sunday, April 27, 2008
For Grandma
Here is Ignacio in the exersaucer that his Great Grandma bought him. He already knows how to spin the monkey barrel, move the circus drum, flip the book pages and bring everything to his mouth to bite. His favorite is the seal. He can really get going, moving 360 degrees in his seat and making the thing move back and forth. Enjoy!
Kissing Cousins

Addison just started noticing Ignacio and he smiles at him. It is adorable. Ignacio recognizes Addison too but his attention span is short unless he can grab him to inspect him. It is so fun to watch these two little ones learn about the world and slowly learn about the other. While their personalities (for now) are very different, they are definately spirit cousins who Krissy and I are convinced decided to come into our universe at the same time for a reason. Let the adventures begin!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Cumpleanos Feliz
Men At Work
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Action Jackson

Guess who got a Johnny Jumper??!! Angel Ignacio is a VERY active baby. He probably moves his legs over 5,000 times a day. Just ask anyone who has held him recently like his auntie. In his head he can already run, jump, and skip. The only problem is he is only 4 1/2 months and physically can't even crawl yet. So what is a baby to do with all this energy? Jump endlessly in a doorway I say. He hasn't quite figured out how to jump in it yet but he really enjoys sucking the side of it. The other picture is of a really bad hair day he had. Sometimes after his nightly bath I intentionally don't comb it to see what it looks like in the morning. He will love me for it when he is older.
All Systems Go
This morning I woke up to a smiling baby boy. We have been up together for a total of one hour and I have already changed FOUR diapers. Now, you might be asking yourself, "What? Four diapers in an hour?" Let me explain. We woke up in bed and I heard the Ignacio grunting. We all know what that means. I changed his first morning diaper like always and just as we were about to start playing I heard the sound every mother dreads hearing...poop in the pants AGAIN. So I put him up on the changing table and took care of business only to be picking him up when I hear the dreaded sound again. Oh boy. So I put him down and just as I am taking the diaper off the sprinkler system starts if you know what I mean. So now I have just about every bodily function occurring at the same time. Lovely. Needless to say we got everything and everyone cleaned up, dressed and fed. Thank God for disposable diapers is ALL I have to say.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hey Good Lookin'
I was at Babies R' Us yesterday with Angel Ignacio and I caught him with the biggest smile ever and looked up to see what he was looking at. There was a big, blown-up picture of a baby. Soon I realized that the entire store is full of these big pictures of little ones crawling, smiling, standing. Ignacio smiled at EVERY one as if the babies were intentially looking at him and saying, "Hey there fellow little one. How goes it?" It was the cutest thing watching him light up as we passed by these signs. I didn't want to break it to him that they were two dimensional images that were never going to really be his friends. I just enjoyed watching him delight at the possibility.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A Day With The Boys

Krista just came over with Addison and he is in the swing and Ignacio is rock'n and a roll'n in his exersaucer. It is sure to be another fun filled day of poop, puke and squeeling. Krissy and I are going to attempt to eat a pizza and hopefully watch Oprah. The odds of both of those happening are about as certain as winning the Powerball with $1.00 but, if you don't play you can't win!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Funny Ha-Ha

Things that Angel Igancio thinks are HILARIOUS:
*Himself in the mirror
*His mom or dad in the mirror
*The sound "bzzzz" like a bee
*When someone bites his feet like they will eat them
*Watching someone brush their teeth
*When mom wears a towel or shower cap on her head
*Being startled
Of course, next week these will all be "so last week" in the life of Ignacio but for now they are HILARIOUS!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Little Puppy
Angel Ignacio, when tired, has developed a new fun game he likes to play which we are calling "Puppy Doggy." He likes to open his wet little mouth as WIDE as he can, grab your hair, ears or shoulders to bring you into him, and then move his head back and forth fast like a doggy with a play toy so that, by the end of the "game" your face is wet and sticky with his baby goober. Angel thinks it is hilarious when Igancio does this to me. I, on the other hand, am excited for a new game to develop as this one generally leaves me feeling like I need to take a shower before bed. Funny thing is, when I was pregnant, I often told people that the shooting pain down my legs towards the end of the pregnancy felt like the baby was moving his head back and forth like a puppy. Guess I was right. I suppose I will take a sloppy baby kiss over sharp pain any day!
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