We are in a moment of "m"s because there are four things that are making life difficult for our little guy these days.
First "m": Molars. Ignacio's are coming in and the are Cisneros teeth (HUGE) and he is fighting through it. I thought he might luck out and not get them like me (mine never came in)...no such luck.
Second "m": Mommy. Age 2 is a separation anxiety time and Ignacio is so heightened about being close to me 24 /7 and is hyper vigilent about where I am and what I am doing. It seems I can't even go to the bathroom without him RIGHT THERE. What to do...stay close to him until he works it out and reassure him over and over and over and over.....
Third "m": Milky. We are now two weeks without nursing and that, coupled with the separation anxiety is making Ignacio pretty sensitive. It was actually a smooth weaning but the minute he isn't feeling well he asked for it. It is a change for us but a positive one. Independence is important...for both of us. And it gives me a break for a few months before the next one. Who would have thought when Ignacio was 6 weeks old that we would have made it this far. It is either a testament to determination or insanity.
Fourth "m": Monkey. Damn monkey is still making appearances in Ignacio's room. It seems to have found a home somewhere else but decides to visit every now and again.