Friday, December 12, 2008
Practice makes perfect!
Here he is....walking all by himself! (and yes, that is his sock in his mouth)
Greatest Gift
Today is my birthday and I am gently reminded of where I was one year ago today. Ignacio was only two weeks old, still small and warm. I just remember tears on my face with happiness as I sat on the couch with my little bundle, still in throws of getting to know him. Today, as I sit on the couch, I am watching him teeter cautiously around our living room, snuggling his bear and kitty and making me laugh. So much of my growth this past year of my life has been intertwined with the growth in his first year of life. I have been stretched in so many ways as a woman, wife and mom. Ignacio himself is not my greatest gift, rather it is all that he brings to me and my life. This past year, his presence in my life has moved me to discover new capacities within myself, face the parts of myself I am not proud of, and draw on the strengths I already new existed. I have laughed so hard I have cried and cried so hard I have had to laugh. I really think it is the true beauty of life, to be moved into greater understanding of ourselves.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Top Ten
Top ten things Ignacio loves to do :
1o. Put one thing inside another thing. Who knew putting the same shirt in and out of the hamper fifty times could be so enjoyable?
9. Stuff as much food as he can in his mouth at one time. I now have to monitor how much I put on his tray at one time!
8. Try to do things for himself...brush his hair, put on his shoe, put a shirt on. So cute! It is fun to watch him connect purpose to objects.
7. Hide! Just ask him, "Where is the baby?" and watch him squirm with anxiety as he tries to hide behind something.
6. Make things make sound. He will continually go back to the toys that make sound to keep them going or throw something to see what sound it makes. A born musician!
5. Walking. Everyday the confidence on his face is priceless.
4. Saying, "papa" which is adorable. Our language repetoire is now up to "mama", "kitty" and "papa".
3. Opening and closing things. Whether it is a drawer, a door or a cabinet, with mommy's supervision he can open and close something FOREVER! Then throw in #10 on the list and it is even more entertaining!
2. Intentially drop something and then say, "ohh, ohh" which is his way of saying "oh oh."
1. Snuggle his kitty and mommy at the same time. Just ask him where kitty is and he will go and get it and bring it to me in his mouth just looking for a snuggle. Sometimes we catch eyes and he quickly lays down where he is with his head on kitty because he knows I will come right over and snuggle him up good.
Top ten things Ignacio DOESN'T like to do:
10. Be in his carseat. This child needs to move!
9. Go to sleep (sometimes!) We are definately light years ahead of where we were but Ignacio is still a go-getter who loves life!
8. To be held unless he is sleepy like waking up from a nap or eating something out of your hands.
7. Being away from me like if I have to get something done in another room and he needs some mommy time or can't get to me because of the gate.
6. Drink whole milk or juice. I guess compared to mommy's milk and water these two new additions don't taste that great.
5. Listen to the radio in the car. Give me that salsa music mom!! Celia Cruz is his favorite CD.
4. Getting dressed. I have to do it while he stands up in his crib. He is upright and contained...two perfect parts of the changing equation!
3. Laying down to have his diaper changed.
2. Have his face cleaned after eating. Actually, now that I think about, having his face touched at all.
1. Wait for food!
1o. Put one thing inside another thing. Who knew putting the same shirt in and out of the hamper fifty times could be so enjoyable?
9. Stuff as much food as he can in his mouth at one time. I now have to monitor how much I put on his tray at one time!
8. Try to do things for himself...brush his hair, put on his shoe, put a shirt on. So cute! It is fun to watch him connect purpose to objects.
7. Hide! Just ask him, "Where is the baby?" and watch him squirm with anxiety as he tries to hide behind something.
6. Make things make sound. He will continually go back to the toys that make sound to keep them going or throw something to see what sound it makes. A born musician!
5. Walking. Everyday the confidence on his face is priceless.
4. Saying, "papa" which is adorable. Our language repetoire is now up to "mama", "kitty" and "papa".
3. Opening and closing things. Whether it is a drawer, a door or a cabinet, with mommy's supervision he can open and close something FOREVER! Then throw in #10 on the list and it is even more entertaining!
2. Intentially drop something and then say, "ohh, ohh" which is his way of saying "oh oh."
1. Snuggle his kitty and mommy at the same time. Just ask him where kitty is and he will go and get it and bring it to me in his mouth just looking for a snuggle. Sometimes we catch eyes and he quickly lays down where he is with his head on kitty because he knows I will come right over and snuggle him up good.
Top ten things Ignacio DOESN'T like to do:
10. Be in his carseat. This child needs to move!
9. Go to sleep (sometimes!) We are definately light years ahead of where we were but Ignacio is still a go-getter who loves life!
8. To be held unless he is sleepy like waking up from a nap or eating something out of your hands.
7. Being away from me like if I have to get something done in another room and he needs some mommy time or can't get to me because of the gate.
6. Drink whole milk or juice. I guess compared to mommy's milk and water these two new additions don't taste that great.
5. Listen to the radio in the car. Give me that salsa music mom!! Celia Cruz is his favorite CD.
4. Getting dressed. I have to do it while he stands up in his crib. He is upright and contained...two perfect parts of the changing equation!
3. Laying down to have his diaper changed.
2. Have his face cleaned after eating. Actually, now that I think about, having his face touched at all.
1. Wait for food!
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008
First Birthday!

Here we are with great grandma and her new Yamaha keyboard! She played us jingle bells and America the Beautiful while the boys made circles around her. While Angel helped her figure out all the bells and whistles, Krista and I danced to the beat selection "R&B" and realized we REALLY need to get out for a night out! Ignacio is so lucky to have such a wonderful family!

Yes, all those gifts in the corner were for him. You only have your first birthday once and the family went ALL OUT! Our car was PACKED on the way home. Great grandma had a blast just watching Ignacio go around the room playing. He is better than Fox News! Everything was so special from the thoughtful decorations to cake. Aunt Mary did a great job with the planning!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Ignacio just had his one year check-up and is a healthy, happy little boy according to Dr. Williams! As Ignacio sat in his stroller stripped down to his diaper the doctor made his way into the room. Ignacio immediately saw that there was a black and white kitty stuffed animal on the doctor's miniature baby stethoscope. Dr. Williams smiled and pulled it off from around his neck to hold it close to Ignacio so he could get a good look. All of a sudden, Ignacio tensed his arms and legs with excitement, smiled so big you could see all his teeth and yelled, "Kitty, titi, kitty!!!!!" The doctor chuckled at the big reaction and as he went to put it back around his neck, Ignacio had lunged for the kitty and had it in his mouth like a puppy dog. That is Ignacio's form of snuggling. As I quickly reached for my little one the doctor gently yanked at the stuffed animal in an attempt to get Ignacio to drop it. He eventually relaxed his jaw just enough for Dr. Williams to retrieve it from his wet mouth. It was a classic moment that I will not soon forget. Besides gnawing at the kitty, Ignacio was told he is in proportion from his head to his toes. The only thing not in proportion with his body is his immense spirit, which has been the most fun to watch grow.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Spaghetti and Santa

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Balls to the Walls

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Snow fall...

First steps
Okay, this is the cutest thing you will see for a very long time. Great grandma's gift is one of the favorite toys the boys have. Angel Ignacio has a fire truck and Addison has a school bus. Here we are yesterday at Krista's house playing. Enjoy. Ignacio is ready to walk alone anyday!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Good to Go
We just got back from Ignacio's 9 MONTH checkup!!! I can't believe it. His next one will be when he is 1!! He is coming in at a hearty 21 pounds and 29 inches long. As he attempted to eat the doctor's stethescope he babbled and smiled, happy as could be. Oh, and the doctor said he should outgrow this not-wanting-to-sleep thing. Angel and I have decided that we can't let him "cry it out" and have taken to a new consistent routine that we hope will provide the right environment for him to figure it all out. Between separation anxiety, teething and an incesant desire to do all his tricks (talk, crawl and stand-up) this might be awhile. So while HE isn't crying, let's hope mom and dad don't either!!! I am thankful today for Ignacio's health and spirit. He loves life and he loves me, and for today that is all that matters.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Full Circle

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